中国谴责并敦促对袭击其驻缅甸曼德勒领事馆的事件进行调查。 China condemned and urged investigation into an attack on its consulate in Mandalay, Myanmar.
中国谴责对其驻缅甸曼德勒领事馆的袭击,敦促地方当局逮捕责任人。 China condemned an attack on its consulate in Mandalay, Myanmar, urging local authorities to arrest those responsible. 这一事件造成了破坏,但没有造成人员伤亡,促使中国要求对袭击者进行彻底调查和采取法律行动。 The incident, which caused damage but no injuries, prompted China to demand a thorough investigation and legal action against the attackers. 袭击发生后,中国领馆建议其公民在缅甸自2021年军事政变以来持续的政治动荡中,时刻警惕其安全。 Following the attack, the Chinese consulate advised its citizens to remain vigilant about their safety amid Myanmar's ongoing political turmoil since the military coup in 2021.