海得拉巴的出租车司机发出警告,不要在出租车里浪漫,强调相互尊重。 Cab driver in Hyderabad issues warning against romance in cabs, emphasizing mutual respect.
海得拉巴一名出租车司机的幽默警告,敦促乘客保持距离并避免浪漫行为,这在网上疯传。 A cab driver's humorous warning in Hyderabad, urging passengers to maintain distance and avoid romantic behavior, has gone viral online. 上面写着"警告! The note reads, "Warning!! 没有浪漫。 No romance. 这是计程车, 不是你的私人地方。" This is a cab, not your private place." Bengaluru司机也发出类似警告, 也强调尊重行为。 This follows a similar notice from a Bengaluru driver that also emphasized respectful behavior. 这两条信息都强调,在共用交通工具上,乘客之间必须相互尊重。 Both messages highlight the need for mutual respect among passengers in shared transportation.