Bengaluru的妇女在交通争吵后受到强奸威胁;汽车司机被捕,威胁者逍遥法外。 Woman in Bengaluru receives rape threats after traffic altercation; auto driver arrested, threatener at large.
Bengaluru的一位妇女报告说,在涉及一辆汽车的争吵后,一名男子威胁要强奸她。 A woman in Bengaluru reported receiving rape threats from a man after an altercation involving an auto-rickshaw. 事件发生在交通信号处,男子辱骂她和母亲,企图闯入她的汽车,并发出暴力威胁。 The incident occurred at a traffic signal, where the man insulted her and her mother, attempted to break into her car, and issued violent threats. 汽车司机因鲁莽驾驶而被捕,但受到威胁的个人仍然在逃。 The auto driver was arrested for reckless driving, but the threatening individual remains at large. 此案引起了人们对城市道路安全和公众礼仪的关切。 The case has raised concerns about road safety and public decorum in the city.