作家兼和平倡导者亚伯拉罕·科尔布拉·克鲁塞 (Abraham Korbla Klutsey) 推出了他的著作《死亡边缘的和平建设》(Peacebuilding at the Edge of Death),并宣布计划开发一款应用程序来收集冲突地区的实时数据。 Author and peace advocate Abraham Korbla Klutsey launched his book "Peacebuilding at the Edge of Death" and announced plans for an app to gather real-time data on conflict zones.
作者兼和平倡导者Abraham Korbla Klutsey发表了他的书《在死亡边缘建设和平》,敦促青年促进和平和避免冲突。 Abraham Korbla Klutsey, an author and peace advocate, launched his book "Peacebuilding at the Edge of Death," urging youth to promote peace and avoid conflict. 根据他在加纳的经验(2013-2015年),Klutsey强调基层倡议和青年参与解决冲突。 Drawing from his experiences in Ghana (2013-2015), Klutsey emphasizes grassroots initiatives and youth involvement in conflict resolution. 他还宣布计划设立一个应用程序,收集关于冲突地区的实时数据,支持调解人的努力。 He also announced plans for an app to gather real-time data on conflict zones, supporting mediators in their efforts. 300多名外交官与和平倡导者参加了这次启动活动。 The launch event gathered over 300 diplomats and peace advocates.