牛津的领导人聚集一堂,促进中东和平,纪念反思和团结日。 Leaders in Oxford gather to promote Middle East peace, marking a day of reflection and unity.
10月6日, 信仰、公民及大学领袖齐聚牛津, 推动中东和平, 纪念中东地区最后一天相对和平, On October 6, faith, civic, and university leaders gathered in Oxford to promote peace in the Middle East, marking the anniversary of the region's last day of relative peace. 尽管天气暴风雨,但与会者聚集一堂悼念失去的生命,并承诺建立相互尊重的社区。 Despite stormy weather, participants came together to mourn lives lost and pledge to build respectful communities. 这项活动反映了牛津郡领导人正在开展的合作努力,以便在全球挑战面前促进统一。 This event reflects ongoing collaborative efforts by leaders in Oxfordshire to foster unity amid global challenges.