澳大利亚联邦法院命令澳洲航空赔偿 COVID-19 期间被非法解雇的 1,700 名工人,总计数千万。 Australian Federal Court orders Qantas to compensate 1,700 unlawfully dismissed workers during COVID-19, totaling tens of millions.
澳大利亚联邦法院已命令澳洲航空赔偿在 COVID-19 大流行期间被非法解雇的三名工人,每人赔偿 170,000 澳元(123,000 美元)。 The Australian Federal Court has ordered Qantas to compensate three workers unlawfully dismissed during the COVID-19 pandemic, awarding A$170,000 ($123,000) each. 大约 1,700 名受影响员工的总赔偿可能达到数千万美元。 The total compensation for approximately 1,700 affected employees could amount to tens of millions of dollars. 澳洲航空辩称解雇是必要的,但法院的裁决并非如此。 Qantas argued the dismissals were necessary, but the court ruled otherwise.