他在奥克兰被捕, 罪名是通过假银行邮件骗取200K元的老人。 Man arrested in Auckland for scamming elders out of $200K via fake bank emails.
奥克兰的一名20岁男子因通过假银行邮件诈骗20多万美元的老年受害者而被捕。 A 20-year-old man in Auckland was arrested for defrauding elderly victims of over $200,000 through fake bank emails that directed them to call a scam number. 警方建议检查电子邮件真实性,使用经核实的银行联系方法,并避免分享个人信息。 Police advise checking email authenticity, using verified bank contact methods, and avoiding sharing personal info. 受害者应立即通知银行和警方。 Victims should alert their bank and police immediately.