粮农组织和Silatech合作伙伴与卡塔尔发展基金合作,就一项5M美元倡议开展了一项活动,以加强苏丹的青年就业和粮食安全,目标是冲突地区的30 000名青年。 FAO and Silatech partner on a $5M initiative with Qatar Fund for Development to enhance youth employment and food security in Sudan, targeting 30,000 young people in conflict zones.
联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和Silatech合作实施了一项500万美元的倡议,以加强苏丹的青年就业和粮食安全,目标是冲突地区的30 000多名青年。 The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Silatech have partnered on a $5 million initiative to enhance youth employment and food security in Sudan, targeting over 30,000 young people in conflict zones. 在卡塔尔发展基金的支持下,该项目将提供农业资源和培训,使170万人受益,包括境内流离失所者。 Supported by the Qatar Fund for Development, the project will provide agricultural resources and training, aiming to benefit 1.7 million individuals, including internally displaced persons. 它力求在今后18个月内改善生计和提高农业生产力。 It seeks to improve livelihoods and agricultural productivity over the next 18 months.