芭恩斯和诺布尔计划在10月23日在圣路易斯画廊开设58家新书店,其中一家在圣路易斯画廊. Barnes & Noble plans to open 58 new bookstores, including one at St. Louis Galleria on October 23.
Barnes & Noble将于10月23日在密苏里州圣路易斯加列里亚开设一家新书店, Barnes & Noble will open a new bookstore at the St. Louis Galleria in Missouri on October 23, as part of a plan to launch 58 stores nationwide. 这一发展是在对有形书店衰落的关切中发生的,但最近的趋势表明,年轻一代对有形媒体,如乙烯胶唱片和DVD重新感兴趣,这表明实际书籍仍然为读者所重视。 This development comes amid concerns about the decline of physical bookstores, yet recent trends show a renewed interest in tangible media among younger generations, such as vinyl records and DVDs, suggesting that physical books remain valued by readers.