多伦多警方在肯尼迪车站洗手间袭击中寻找嫌疑人;受害人受伤,细节公布。 Toronto police seek suspect in Kennedy Station bathroom assault; victim injured, details released.
多伦多警方在12月21日 肯尼迪车站的浴室 遭到袭击后 正在搜寻一名嫌疑人 Toronto police are searching for a suspect after an assault at Kennedy Station's bathroom on December 21. 受害者被跟踪到一个摊位,遭到殴打,造成无生命威胁的伤害。 The victim was followed into a stall and assaulted, resulting in non-life-threatening injuries. 嫌犯被描述为一个6英尺高、干净的男子,头发短棕色,最后穿着灰色毛衣、黑色夹克和黑色牛仔裤。 The suspect is described as a six-foot tall, clean-shaven man with short brown hair, last seen in a grey sweater, black jacket, and black jeans. 公众被要求与警方联系,了解任何信息。 The public is asked to contact police with any information.