多伦多警方在不同的性攻击案件中寻找两名嫌疑人,其中一人被确定为Terry McKnight。 Toronto police seek two suspects in separate sexual assault cases, one identified as Terry McKnight.
多伦多警方正在寻找一名29岁的嫌疑人 Terry McKnight 在2023年12月 在市东端发生的一起性攻击案件中 Toronto police are seeking a 29-year-old suspect, Terry McKnight, in a sexual assault case from December 2023 in the city's east end. McKnight因八项指控被通缉,包括使用武器和严重性攻击的性侵犯。 McKnight is wanted for eight charges including sexual assault with a weapon and aggravated sexual assault. 警方公布了他的照片,并敦促公众提供任何有关他下落的信息。 Police released his photo and urge the public to provide any information on his whereabouts. 另外,警方还在寻找一名男子,与最近在多伦多东北部发生的四起性攻击事件有关,这些性攻击是针对公共交通途中的妇女。 Separately, police are also searching for a man in connection with four recent sexual assaults in northeast Toronto, targeting women on public transit. 嫌疑人被描述为19-25岁,身长重,短黑头发,戴处方眼镜和红发包。 The suspect is described as 19-25 years old, with a heavy build, short black hair, and wearing prescription glasses and a red fanny pack.