49岁的Airdrie居民Mbua Ngomba Kalla因利用在线平台和哈瓦拉交易诈骗超过10万美元而面临多重欺诈和洗钱指控。 49-year-old Airdrie resident Mbua Ngomba Kalla faces multiple fraud and money laundering charges for defrauding over $100,000 using online platforms and hawala transactions.
Mbua Ngomba Kalla,49岁,艾伯塔省Airdrie居民,据称在2023年1月至7月期间诈骗了100 000多美元的受害者,因此被指控犯有欺诈和洗钱罪。 Mbua Ngomba Kalla, a 49-year-old resident of Airdrie, Alberta, has been charged with fraud and money laundering after allegedly defrauding victims of over $100,000 from January to July 2023. 加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)声称,他利用在线平台出售假物品,包括干草油和鹿鹿角,并经营一个称为哈瓦拉的非正式汇款系统。 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) claims he used online platforms to sell fake items, including hay bales and deer antlers, and operated an informal money transfer system called hawala. Kalla面临多项指控,定于2024年10月17日出庭。 Kalla faces multiple charges and is set to appear in court on October 17, 2024.