自由党议员继续支持特鲁多总理辞职的呼声。 Liberal MPs continue to support Prime Minister Trudeau amid calls for his resignation.
副总理Chrystia Freeland声称,大多数自由党议员继续支持总理Justin Trudeau, 尽管有人要求他辞职。 Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland asserts that most Liberal MPs continue to support Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, despite some calls for his resignation. 即将举行的核心小组会议将解决这些内部挑战,但没有正式的进程推翻总理。 Upcoming caucus meetings will tackle these internal challenges, but there is no formal process to oust the prime minister. 特鲁多仍然坚定地承诺继续任职。 Trudeau has remained resolute in his commitment to stay in office.