10月19日, 查塔努加的Free Tree ReLeaf 散发了1000棵免费的本地树木。 1,000 free native trees distributed by Free Tree ReLeaf in Chattanooga on Oct 19.
10月19日上午9时至下午4时,免费树木ReLeaf将向查塔努加的EPB客户分发1 000棵免费本地树木。 On October 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Free Tree ReLeaf will distribute 1,000 free native trees to EPB customers in Chattanooga. 该倡议与 Reflection Riding Arboretum、查塔努加市和 EPB 合作,旨在改善当地生态、减少雨水破坏并提供种植指导。 This initiative, a collaboration with Reflection Riding Arboretum, the City of Chattanooga, and EPB, aims to enhance local ecology, reduce stormwater damage, and provide planting guidance. 居民可以在Reflection Riding的原生植物苗圃中从七种树种中选择, Residents can choose from seven species at Reflection Riding's Native Plant Nursery, with trees available on a first-come, first-served basis.