国家信托基金会正在分发著名的Sycamore Gap树上的树苗,以象征英国各地的希望。 The National Trust is distributing saplings from the famous Sycamore Gap tree to symbolize hope across the UK.
国家信托基金会正在分发Sycamore Gap树上的49棵树苗, The National Trust is distributing 49 saplings from the Sycamore Gap tree, illegally cut down in 2023, as part of their "Trees of Hope" initiative. 这些树苗代表希望的讯息, 将种在英国各地, 包括一个运动神经元疾病中心和一所儿童医院。 These saplings, representing messages of hope, will be planted in various locations across the UK, including a motor neurone disease center and a children's hospital. 该项目旨在保持可爱树的遗产,向400多名申请者提供树苗。 The project aims to keep the legacy of the beloved tree alive, with saplings given to over 400 applicants.