密苏里州第一特遣队完成在北卡罗来纳州部署海伦飓风救济工作,并分多个阶段返回。 Missouri Task Force 1 completes Hurricane Helene relief deployment in North Carolina, with multiple stages of return.
密苏里第一特遣部队已完成在北卡罗来纳州为海伦飓风救援的部署。 Missouri Task Force 1 has finished its deployment in North Carolina for Hurricane Helene relief. 返回涉及多个阶段:三个人类遗骸探测K9小组于星期三返回,一个有16名成员的水救援小组于星期四返回,第三类小组于星期五返回。 The return involves multiple stages: three Human Remains Detection K9 teams are back on Wednesday, a 16-member Water Rescue team on Thursday, and a Type III team on Friday. 4个K9小组将留在北卡罗来纳州,进行持续的努力,而1名成员则被调派到波多黎各,因风暴即将来临而可能产生影响。 Four K9 teams will stay in North Carolina for ongoing efforts, while one member is reassigned to Puerto Rico for potential impacts from an approaching storm.