肯尼亚抗议者破坏了JKIA向阿达尼集团租机场的虚拟法庭听证会, 促使会议延期. Kenyan protesters disrupt virtual court hearing over JKIA airport lease to Adani Group, prompting adjournment.
抗议者打断了肯尼亚关于Jomo Kenyatta国际机场(JKIA)拟租给Adani集团的虚拟法院听证会,促使高等法院法官Bahati Mwamuye宣布休会。 Protesters disrupted a virtual court hearing in Kenya regarding the proposed lease of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Adani Group, prompting High Court Judge Bahati Mwamuye to adjourn the session. 包括活动家Tony Gachoka和政党在内的请愿者认为租约缺乏公众参与, Petitioners, including activist Tony Gachoka and political parties, argue the lease lacks public participation and undermines government investments. 听证会改在10月22日以面对面的形式举行。 The hearing is rescheduled for October 22 in an in-person format.