肯尼亚司法事务委员会正在审查5份关于在1992年土地案件中撤换10名法官的请愿书。 Five petitions to remove 10 judges over a 1992 land case are under review by Kenya's Judicial Service Commission.
司法事务委员会收到了五份请愿书,要求从1992年起将一个土地案件中的10名法官免职,指控其司法不当行为。 The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has received five petitions to remove 10 judges over a land case from 1992, alleging judicial misconduct. 司法事务委员会保证,它将公正地审理请愿书。 The JSC assures that it will process the petitions impartially. 针对肯尼亚法律协会(LSK)关于被排除在制定请愿处理条例草案之外的说法,JSC否认了这些指控,指出LSK一直积极参与整个过程,并且是关键利益攸关方。 In response to the Law Society of Kenya's (LSK) claims of exclusion from the development of the draft regulations on petition processing, the JSC has denied these allegations, stating that the LSK has been actively involved throughout the process and is a key stakeholder.