德国对风能部门采取保护措施,防止中国增加投资。 Germany implements protective measures for wind energy sector against increasing Chinese investments.
德国正在执行保护措施,保护其风能部门不受中国增加投资的影响。 Germany is implementing protective measures to safeguard its wind energy sector from increasing Chinese investments. 政府旨在保持对战略资产的控制,加强网络安全,同时减少对关键组成部分的依赖。 The government aims to maintain control over strategic assets and enhance cybersecurity while reducing dependency on critical components. 这是在担心公平竞争和中国公司可能造成市场扭曲的情况下发生的。 This comes amid concerns over fair competition and potential market distortions due to Chinese firms. 与欧洲制造商的合作计划力求加强国内工业并确保其在全球的竞争力。 A collaborative plan with European manufacturers seeks to bolster the domestic industry and ensure its competitiveness globally.