46%的加拿大人因生活费用上涨而调整消费习惯,28%的加拿大人吃得较少,51%的加拿大人从战略角度购物。 46% of Canadians adjust spending habits due to rising living costs, with 28% eating less and 51% shopping strategically.
最近对自然人流动消费者债务指数的一项调查显示,近一半的加拿大人正在削减餐饮和调整消费习惯,以应付不断上涨的生活费用。 A recent MNP Consumer Debt Index survey reveals that nearly half of Canadians are cutting back on dining out and adjusting spending habits to cope with rising living costs. 大约28%的人吃得较少,51%的人购物更具战略性。 Approximately 28% are eating less, while 51% are shopping more strategically. 节省费用的措施在加拿大青年以及不列颠哥伦比亚省和艾伯塔省青年中尤为普遍。 Cost-saving measures are especially prevalent among younger Canadians and those in British Columbia and Alberta. 尽管有些财政乐观,但许多人仍然担心其偿债能力。 Despite some financial optimism, many remain worried about their debt repayment capabilities.