BM Technologies引入AI-动力BMTX身份验证TM,以减少高等教育中学生入学欺诈行为。 BM Technologies introduces AI-powered BMTX Identity Verification™ to reduce student enrollment fraud in higher education.
BMT技术(BMTX)引进了BMTX身份核查TM(IDV),这项服务旨在减少高等教育中学生入学欺诈行为。 BM Technologies (BMTX) has introduced BMTX Identity Verification™ (IDV), a service aimed at reducing student enrollment fraud in higher education. 随着2020年至2022年招生费用上32%, BMTX IDV利用人工智能和机器学习将欺诈率降低高达85%,第三方欺诈率降低95%. With enrollment costs rising by 32% from 2020 to 2022, BMTX IDV utilizes AI and machine learning to decrease fraud rates by up to 85% and third-party fraud by 95%. 这项服务提高了学生和行政人员的效率,节省了机构每周15至20小时的人工审查。 The service enhances efficiency for students and administrators, saving institutions 15-20 hours per week on manual reviews. 它已在多个学院使用。 It is already in use at multiple colleges.