联邦调查局逮捕了尼日利亚欺诈者“Bobo Chicago”, 罪名是芝加哥280万美元网络欺诈。 FBI arrests Nigerian fraudster 'Bobo Chicago' for alleged $2.8M cyber fraud in Chicago.
联邦调查局在芝加哥逮捕了25岁的尼日利亚诈骗犯Oluyomi Omobolanle Bombata, The FBI arrested 25-year-old Nigerian fraudster Oluyomi Omobolanle Bombata, known as Bobo Chicago, in Chicago for allegedly defrauding multiple companies and individuals of $2.8 million. Bombata被指控黑入账户和转移非法资金,包括向一家美国酒类商店转移30多万美元。 Bombata is accused of hacking into accounts and transferring illicit funds, including over $300,000 to a U.S. liquor store. 他面临电汇欺诈、洗钱和非法货币交易等指控。 He faces charges of wire fraud, money laundering, and unlawful monetary transactions. 逮捕案凸显了当前打击网络欺诈和防范商业电子邮件诈骗的努力。 The arrest highlights ongoing efforts to combat cyber fraud and protect against business email scams.