2023年美国男女工资差距扩大至83%,主要是因为低工资部门复苏不均衡。 2023 U.S. gender wage gap widens to 83% for women vs. men, primarily due to uneven recovery in low-wage sectors.
2023年,美国男女工资差距20年来首次扩大,妇女收入从2022年的84美分下降到2023年的83美分。 In 2023, the U.S. gender wage gap widened for the first time in 20 years, with women earning 83 cents for every dollar men make, down from 84 cents in 2022. 这一转变主要源于低工资部门的复苏不均衡,如招待和照顾,许多妇女在大流行后重返工作岗位。 This shift stems largely from the uneven recovery in low-wage sectors, like hospitality and caretaking, where many women returned to work post-pandemic. 报告强调了对不同人口群体的不同影响,西班牙裔妇女的工资差距略有缩小,而黑人和亚洲妇女的差距则有所扩大。 The report highlights varied impacts on different demographic groups, with Hispanic women's wage gap narrowing slightly, while Black and Asian women's gaps increased.