新西兰警务专员对1985年谋杀Alan Hall的错误监禁表示道歉。 New Zealand Police Commissioner apologized for wrongful imprisonment of Alan Hall for 1985 murder.
新西兰警察局长Andrew Coster向艾伦·霍尔道歉,因为他1985年谋杀亚瑟·伊斯顿的错误监禁。 New Zealand Police Commissioner Andrew Coster has apologized to Alan Hall for his wrongful imprisonment for the 1985 murder of Arthur Easton. 在2022年最高法院推翻对他的定罪之前,Hall在监狱里度过了19年,导致500万美元的赔偿。 Hall spent 19 years in prison before his conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2022, leading to a $5 million compensation. 此外,两名前警务人员和一名检察官面临与该案有关的指控。 Additionally, two former police staff and a prosecutor face charges related to the case. 霍尔的家人欢迎道歉,这标志着对过去不公正现象的重大承认。 Hall's family welcomed the apology, marking a significant acknowledgment of past injustices.