1985年亚瑟·伊斯顿被谋杀;新西兰警方提供100 000美元奖励,对导致定罪的线索可能豁免。 1985 murder of Arthur Easton; New Zealand police offer $100,000 reward, potential immunity for tips leading to conviction.
新西兰警方正在寻找1985年Arthur Easton被谋杀的资料,对导致凶手被定罪的线索给予100 000美元的奖励和可能的豁免。 New Zealand police are seeking information on the 1985 murder of Arthur Easton, offering a $100,000 reward and potential immunity for tips leading to the killer's conviction. Alan Hall于1986年被错误定罪,于2022年被免除罪责,并获得近500万美元的赔偿。 Alan Hall, wrongfully convicted in 1986, was exonerated in 2022 and received nearly $5 million in compensation. 两名前警务人员和一名检察官面临与司法不公有关的指控。 Two former police staff and a prosecutor face charges related to the miscarriage of justice. 调查仍在进行中,肇事者的身份仍然不明。 The investigation remains active, with the perpetrator still unidentified.