34岁的罗斯·汉密尔顿因在2022年世界杯比赛后 刺杀名人拳击教练Reece Newcombe被判终身监禁 34-year-old Ross Hamilton sentenced to life for fatally stabbing celebrity boxing coach Reece Newcombe after a World Cup match in 2022.
34岁的罗斯·汉密尔顿 被判终身监禁 刑期至少19年 罪名是谋杀Reece Newcombe 一名31岁的名人拳击教练 在2022年世界杯比赛后 Ross Hamilton, 34, was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 19 years for murdering Reece Newcombe, a 31-year-old celebrity boxing coach, after a World Cup match in 2022. 在里士满一家夜总会外发生争吵后,汉密尔顿用破瓶子刺伤了纽科姆,致死。 Following an altercation outside a Richmond nightclub, Hamilton fatally stabbed Newcombe with a broken bottle. Hamilton有暴力犯罪的历史,法官注意到谋杀对Newcombe的怀孕伴侣及其子女的深刻影响。 Hamilton has a history of violent offenses, and the judge noted the profound impact of the murder on Newcombe's pregnant partner and their children.