Bengaluru Metro的紫线因大雨中坠落的树而中断2小时;服务于上午8时05分恢复。 Bengaluru Metro's Purple Line disrupted for 2 hours due to fallen tree in heavy rain; services restored by 8:05 AM.
由于大雨导致一棵树倒塌, 班加罗尔地铁紫色线路运行两小时停滞. On October 16, Bengaluru Metro's Purple Line faced a two-hour disruption due to a fallen tree caused by heavy rain. 某些站点之间的火车业务有限,但在树扫清后,到上午8时05分,服务完全恢复。 Train operations were limited between certain stations, but services were fully restored by 8:05 AM after the tree was cleared. 发布了持续降雨的橙色警报,促使卡纳塔克邦政府宣布学校放假,并建议 IT 和 BT 公司远程工作以缓解交通问题。 An orange alert for continued rainfall was issued, prompting the Karnataka government to declare a holiday for schools and recommend remote work for IT and BT firms to mitigate traffic issues.