21岁的Shannon McCann被发现死亡;因毒品和阻碍埋葬罪被捕,保释。 21-year-old Shannon McCann found dead; man arrested on drug and burial obstruction charges, released on bail.
Shannon McCann, 21岁女子,被发现死在Co Antrim的Randals镇。 Shannon McCann, a 21-year-old woman, was found dead in Randalstown, Co Antrim. 一名26岁的男子因涉嫌供应A类和C类毒品、阻止合法埋葬和妨碍司法正义而被捕。 A 26-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of supplying class A and C drugs, preventing a lawful burial, and obstructing justice. 此后,随着调查的继续,包括尚未结案的毒理学结果,他被保释出狱。 He has since been released on bail as investigations continue, including pending toxicology results. 警方敦促任何掌握10月9日至12日期间该地区可疑活动情报的人站出来。 Police urge anyone with information about suspicious activities in the area between October 9 and 12 to come forward.