Wiltshire警察在加强商业安全行动周期间加强商店行窃预防工作,鼓励零售商和公众报告事件。 Wiltshire Police enhance shoplifting prevention during Safer Business Action Week, encouraging retailers and public to report incidents.
Wiltshire警察正在加紧努力,在加强商业安全行动周期间打击商店行窃,重点是Swindon Digner Outlet和Calne镇中心等地区。 Wiltshire Police are intensifying efforts to combat shoplifting during Safer Business Action Week, focusing on areas like Swindon Designer Outlet and Calne town center. 官员们正在与零售商和公众接触,敦促他们向储存工作人员报告事件,或通过警察的非紧急电话号码101报告事件。 Officers are engaging with retailers and the public, urging them to report incidents to store staff or through the police's non-emergency number, 101. 该倡议旨在强调盗窃对企业和社区的影响,强调商店行窃不是无受害者犯罪。 The initiative aims to highlight the impact of theft on businesses and communities, reinforcing that shoplifting is not a victimless crime.