2023年MAFS明星Shona Manderson宣传健身对心理健康的好处,而不是严格的饮食,强调运动,自我照顾,日记和感恩. 2023 MAFS star Shona Manderson promotes mental health benefits of fitness over strict dieting, emphasizing movement, self-care, journaling, and gratitude.
Shona Manderson 是 *一见钟情* 2023 季的明星,她分享了对她的健身和健康习惯的见解,重点是通过写日记和感恩来照顾自己。 Shona Manderson, a star of the 2023 season of *Married at First Sight*, has shared insights on her fitness and wellbeing routine, focusing on self-care through journaling and gratitude. 她强调跑步、瑜伽和提升体重对心理健康的好处,倡导运动而不是严格饮食。 She emphasizes the mental health benefits of running, yoga, and weightlifting, advocating for movement over strict dieting. Shona 消除了举重导致女性增肌的神话,促进力量和整体健康,而不是将减肥作为她的主要健身目标。 Shona dispels the myth that weightlifting leads to bulking in women, promoting strength and overall wellness instead of weight loss as her primary fitness goal.