印度最高法院调查西孟加拉邦在一名医生被谋杀后的公民志愿者计划。 India's Supreme Court investigates West Bengal's civic volunteer scheme after a doctor's murder.
印度最高法院正在调查西孟加拉邦政府在RG Kar医学院一名医生被强奸和谋杀后提出的公民志愿者计划。 The Supreme Court of India is investigating the West Bengal government's civic volunteer scheme following the rape and murder of a doctor at RG Kar Medical College. 有人对在征聘未经核实的志愿人员方面可能出现政治恩惠表示关切,特别是因为被告是能够进入医院的公民志愿人员。 Concerns were raised about the potential for political patronage in recruiting unverified volunteers, particularly since the accused was a civic volunteer with access to the hospital. 法院命令政府提供详细资料,说明与维持治安有关的征聘程序、资格和志愿任务。 The court has ordered the government to provide detailed information on recruitment processes, qualifications, and volunteer assignments related to policing.