加利福尼亚州阿罗约格兰德的房屋火灾导致1人死亡、袭击受害者和逮捕。 House fire in Arroyo Grande, California, results in one death, assault victim, and arrest.
星期一晚上在加利福尼亚州阿罗约格兰德发生的一场房屋火灾导致1人死亡和1人被捕。 A house fire in Arroyo Grande, California, on Monday evening led to one death and an arrest. 消防员对斯普鲁斯街的火灾作出反应,发现一名居民因殴打受伤。 Firefighters responded to the blaze on Spruce Street, where they found a resident with assault-related injuries. 当局最初无法进入燃烧结构 但逮捕了一名逃离现场的嫌犯 Authorities initially couldn't enter the burning structure, but apprehended a suspect fleeing the scene. 包括验尸官办公室和纵火调查员在内的多个机构正在调查这一事件。 The incident is under investigation by multiple agencies, including the Coroner's Office and arson investigators. 目前公共安全没有风险。 Public safety is not currently at risk.