莫图·史密斯因在克赖斯特彻奇谋杀丹尼尔·霍金斯而被判处终身监禁,14 年以上不得假释。 Motu Smith sentenced to life with no parole for 14+ years for murder of Daniel Hawkins in Christchurch.
莫图·史密斯因在基督城一个住宅区谋杀丹尼尔·霍金斯而被判处终身监禁,14 年内不得假释。 Motu Smith was sentenced to life in prison and will not be eligible for parole for over 14 years for the murder of Daniel Hawkins in a Christchurch housing complex. 史密斯承认参与了部分致命袭击,但否认谋杀指控,并声称是出于自卫。 Smith admitted part of the fatal attack but denied the charge of murder, claiming self-defence. 警方承认了判决,感谢社区的支持,并表示希望判决结果能给霍金斯的家人带来一些安慰。 Police acknowledged the sentencing, thanking the community for their support and expressing hope that the outcome brings some peace to Hawkins' family.