AVO 因心理健康问题驳回了 89 岁的歌手 Kamahl 的恐吓指控。 89-year-old singer Kamahl's intimidation charges dismissed due to mental health concerns, AVO imposed.
89岁的歌手Kamahl因据称威胁要借一笔2 000美元的贷款而面临恐吓指控。 Kamahl, an 89-year-old singer, faced intimidation charges for allegedly sending threats over a $2,000 loan. 法院以精神健康问题为由驳回了指控,因为Kamahl由于咨询不力而停止了焦虑和抑郁药物治疗。 The court dismissed the charges, citing mental health concerns, as Kamahl had stopped his anxiety and depression medication due to poor advice. 判处他两年监禁的暴力令,禁止他与该妇女接触。 A two-year apprehended violence order was imposed, prohibiting him from contacting the woman. 法院强调必须进行相互尊重的交流,特别是男女之间的交流。 The court highlighted the need for respectful communication, particularly between genders.