60 岁的 Ken Lim 因侮辱女性的猥亵而被判无罪,但仍面临其他六项不当行为指控。 Ken Lim, 60, acquitted of insulting a woman's modesty but still faces six other charges of misconduct.
前新加坡偶像评委 Ken Lim 于 12 月 11 日被判无罪,罪名是他在 2012 年对一名女性发表不当性言论。 Former Singapore Idol judge Ken Lim was acquitted on December 11 of making sexually inappropriate remarks to a woman in 2012. 由于原告缺乏可信度,法院认定他无罪。 The court found him not guilty due to the accuser's lack of credibility. 林还面临六项涉及其他四名女性的指控,包括猥亵和侮辱猥亵的指控。 Lim faces six additional charges involving four other women, including allegations of molestation and insulting modesty.