26 岁的英国网红在社交媒体噱头中从西班牙的卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰大桥坠落身亡。 26-year-old British influencer dies falling from Castilla-La Mancha bridge in Spain during social media stunt.
一名26岁的英国影响力人士在尝试社交媒体特技时, 从西班牙Talavera de la Reina的Castilla-La Mancha桥坠落身亡, A 26-year-old British influencer died after falling from the Castilla-La Mancha bridge in Talavera de la Reina, Spain, while attempting a social media stunt. 这座桥位于塔古斯河上630英尺处,以出入受限闻名,以前曾发生过涉及寻求刺激者的事件。 The bridge, which stands 630 feet above the Tagus River and is known for its restricted access, has seen previous incidents involving thrill-seekers. 尽管有应急反应人员在场,但影响者在现场宣布死亡。 Despite the presence of emergency responders, the influencer was pronounced dead at the scene.