10月,加拿大强调CSE牵头的网络安全意识,强调网络犯罪风险上升,促进基本安全做法。 In October, Canada emphasizes cybersecurity awareness, led by CSE, highlighting rising cybercrime risks and promoting basic security practices.
由通讯安全署(CSE)牵头, 10月在加拿大纪念网络安全意识月。 October marks Cyber Security Awareness Month in Canada, led by the Communications Security Establishment (CSE). 该运动的重点是提高对网上风险的认识,因为网络犯罪预计将大幅增加。 The campaign focuses on raising awareness about online risks, as cybercrime is projected to rise significantly. 2022年CSE调查显示,四分之一的加拿大人感到对网络威胁毫无准备。 A 2022 CSE survey revealed that one in four Canadians felt unprepared for cyber threats. CSE通过其2011年建立的Get Cyber安全方案,推广基本安全做法,如更新软件和使用强有力的密码。 The CSE promotes basic security practices, such as updating software and using strong passwords, through its Get Cyber Safe program, established in 2011.