在圭亚那德梅拉拉东岸被卡车撞死的电动自行车骑手;卡车司机被捕。 Electric bike rider killed by truck in East Bank Demerara, Guyana; truck driver arrested.
11月17日下午2点03分, 一辆电动自行车骑手在圭亚那德梅拉拉东岸Bagotstown公共路的一辆卡车中遇难身亡。 An electric bike rider was killed in an accident involving a truck on Bagotstown Public Road, East Bank Demerara, Guyana, on November 17 at 2:03 PM. 卡尔·利物浦驾驶的这辆卡车从后面撞上了自行车,导致骑车者头部严重受伤,当场宣布他死亡。 The truck, driven by Carl Liverpool, struck the bike from behind, leading to severe head injuries for the rider, who was pronounced dead at the scene. 警察继续调查这一事件时,卡车司机被拘留。 The truck driver is in custody as police continue their investigation into the incident.