22岁的Kenasia Martin在Loris被杀,在SC被枪杀;6名嫌疑人被指控,5名在押。 22-year-old Kenasia Martin killed in Loris, SC shooting; 6 suspects charged, 5 in custody.
22岁的Kenasia Martin在8月7日南卡罗来纳州Loris的枪击中丧生,另一名妇女受伤。 22-year-old Kenasia Martin was killed and another woman injured in a shooting in Loris, South Carolina on August 7. 包括被引渡到Horry县拘留中心的Feleshia Goodman和Ebony Vereen在内的6名嫌疑人受到指控。 Six suspects have been charged, including Feleshia Goodman and Ebony Vereen who were extradited to Horry County Detention Center. 除Zarius Vereen外,所有嫌疑人目前都被拘留。 All suspects except Zarius Vereen are now in custody. 警方在事发前一小时对投诉作出答复;幸存受害者说,枪击是因事前的争吵所致。 The police responded to a complaint an hour before the incident; the surviving victim stated that the shooting was in response to a prior altercation.