TikTok提出了安全措施,包括年龄要求、监测、家庭配对和对未成年人的限制。 TikTok introduces safety measures, including age requirement, monitoring, family pairing, and limits for minors.
TikTok在其平台上引入了保护未成年人的安全措施,包括13岁的最低年龄要求、监测未成年使用者迹象的账户、提供家庭配对方案,使父母能够将其账户与其青少年的账户联系起来,以设定屏幕时限、暂停通知和控制信息。 TikTok introduces safety measures to protect minors on its platform, including a minimum age requirement of 13, monitoring accounts for signs of underage users, and offering a family pairing program that allows parents to link their accounts with their teens' to set screen-time limits, pause notifications, and control messaging. 18岁以下的用户每天的屏幕时间限制为60分钟,16岁以下的用户受限制提供直接信息。 Users under 18 have a daily screen-time limit of 60 minutes, and direct messaging is restricted for those under 16. 在过去六个月中,TikTok删除了大约600万个未成年嫌疑账户。 In the past six months, TikTok removed around 6 million suspected underage accounts.