康涅狄格州伯灵顿的一场车祸造成 2 人死亡,车祸偏离 Johnnycake Mountain Road 并起火。 2 individuals died in a car crash in Burlington, Connecticut, which veered off Johnnycake Mountain Road and caught fire.
周六深夜在康涅狄格州Burlington发生车祸,造成两人死亡。 A car crash in Burlington, Connecticut, late Saturday night resulted in the deaths of two individuals. 这辆车偏离了 Johnnycake Mountain Road,撞上了一个邮箱和一棵树,并起火了。 The vehicle veered off Johnnycake Mountain Road, struck a mailbox and a tree, and caught fire. 司机和乘客均在现场宣布死亡。 Both the driver and passenger were pronounced dead at the scene. 在通知其近亲之前,他们的身份尚未公布。 Their identities have not been released pending notification of their next of kin. 康涅狄格州警方正在调查, 寻找证人与警官多米尼克·迪努尼奥联系. Connecticut State Police are investigating and seek witnesses to contact Trooper Domenic DiNunzio.