在俄亥俄州费尔菲尔德,1 人死亡,1 人因电线杆车祸住院;调查仍在进行中。 1 fatal, 1 hospitalized in car crash with utility pole in Fairfield, Ohio; investigation ongoing.
周二清晨,俄亥俄州费尔菲尔德在麦克路发生了一起致命的车祸。 A fatal car crash occurred in Fairfield, Ohio, early Tuesday morning on Mack Road. 一人死亡,另一人在汽车与电线杆相撞后住院。 One person died and another was hospitalized after the vehicle collided with a utility pole. 由于杜克能源公司的工作人员努力恢复电力供应,道路被关闭数小时。 The road was closed for several hours as Duke Energy crews worked to restore power. 坠机原因正在调查之中,死者的身份尚未公布。 The cause of the crash is under investigation, and the deceased person's identity has not been released.