据Harley-Davidson报告,在过去十年中,新南威尔士州女性摩托车执照增加了128%。 Harley-Davidson reports a 128% increase in female motorcycle licenses in New South Wales over the last decade.
Harley-Davidson注意到女摩托车骑手的人数大幅增加,特别是在新南威尔士,在过去十年中,女摩托车骑手的执照增加了128%。 Harley-Davidson has noted a substantial rise in female motorcycle riders, particularly in New South Wales, where licenses among women increased by 128% over the last decade. 在澳大利亚和新西兰,有1 500多名妇女组成了40多名Harley分会的女士。 Over 1,500 women have formed more than 40 Ladies of Harley chapters in Australia and New Zealand. 该品牌的总经理Nigel Keough将这一增长归功于注重多样性和引入有利于学习者的模式,如X350和X500,吸引了20%至30%的女性所有权。 The brand's managing director, Nigel Keough, credits this growth to a focus on diversity and the introduction of learner-friendly models like the X350 and X500, attracting 20% to 30% female ownership.