Julia McLean在新西兰的请愿书中, 要求骑马者被承认为脆弱的道路使用者。 Julia McLean's petition in New Zealand pushes for horse riders to be recognized as vulnerable road users.
在新西兰,马车安全倡导者Julia McLean正在发起运动,争取正式承认骑马者是脆弱的道路使用者。 In New Zealand, equestrian safety advocate Julia McLean is campaigning to have horse riders officially recognized as vulnerable road users. 在西海岸区域运输委员会的支持下,她由近9 000人签署的请愿书寻求被纳入运输立法和道路安全教育。 Supported by the West Coast Regional Transport Committee, her petition, signed by nearly 9,000 people, seeks inclusion in transport legislation and road safety education. 虽然这项运动得到了各组织的支持,但人们对公路上骑马人的安全表示关切。 While the campaign has backing from various organizations, concerns about the safety of horse riders on highways have been raised.