国际妇女节重点讲述了经验丰富的女灰狗训练员的故事,包括莎朗·格雷、杰西·福瑟吉尔和朱迪·理查森。 International Women's Day highlights the stories of experienced female greyhound trainers, including Sharon Grey, Jess Fothergill, and Judy Richardson.
国际妇女节聚焦经验丰富的女灰狗训练员的故事,其中包括莎朗·格雷 (Sharon Gray),她和丈夫托尼 (Tony) 起初毫无头绪,但在这项运动中取得了数十年的成功。 International Women's Day spotlights the stories of experienced female greyhound trainers, including Sharon Grey who, with her husband Tony, started with no clue but found success over decades in the sport. 杰西·福瑟吉尔 (Jess Fothergill) 对狗的热情开启了赛狗职业生涯,朱迪·理查森 (Judy Richardson) 嫁给了一位赛狗爱好者,在 20 世纪 60 年代初发现自己沉浸在这项运动中。 Jess Fothergill's passion for dogs led to a career path in greyhound racing, and Judy Richardson, married to a greyhound enthusiast, found herself immersed in the sport in the early 1960s. 这些女性分享了她们的经验、热情和对赛狗世界的奉献。 These women share their experiences, passion, and dedication to the world of greyhound racing.