比尔·布劳德 (Bill Browder) 警告特朗普第二个任期将构成全球安全威胁,并指出美国可能退出北约。 Bill Browder warns of global security threat with Trump's second term, citing potential US withdrawal from NATO.
美国金融家和克里姆林宫批评家Bill Browder警告说,Donald Trump的第二个任期可能威胁全球安全。 Bill Browder, an American financier and Kremlin critic, warned that a second term for Donald Trump could threaten global security. 他对美国可能从北约组织撤出表示关切,这可能减少对乌克兰的军事援助,并使俄罗斯总统普京胆大妄为。 He raised concerns about the potential withdrawal of the U.S. from NATO, which could diminish military aid to Ukraine and embolden Russian President Putin. Browder把这种情况比作二战可能发生的情况,担心如果特朗普削减对北约盟国的支持,俄罗斯会增加对东欧的侵略。 Browder likened the situation to a possible World War II scenario, fearing increased Russian aggression towards Eastern Europe if Trump were to cut support for NATO allies.