30岁的Dakota Lewis Sirt被控在一次家庭暴力事件中纵火一名执法人员,企图严重谋杀一名执法人员。 30-year-old Dakota Lewis Sirt charged with attempted aggravated murder of a law enforcement officer for setting one on fire during a domestic violence incident.
来自弗吉尼亚都柏林的Dakota Lewis Sirt, 30岁,来自弗吉尼亚都柏林,被指控犯有多项罪行,包括企图严重谋杀一名执法人员,据称在10月9日的一次家庭暴力事件中一名警官被放火焚烧。 Dakota Lewis Sirt, 30, from Dublin, Virginia, has been charged with multiple offenses, including attempted aggravated murder of a law enforcement officer, after allegedly setting a police officer on fire during a domestic violence incident on October 9. 据报告,Sirt把汽油倒在地板上,军官在教堂街的一所家中。 Sirt reportedly poured gasoline on the floor and the officer in a home on Church Street. 受伤的警官正在康复,而Sirt仍被关押在新河谷区监狱。 The injured officer is recovering, while Sirt remains in custody at the New River Valley Regional Jail.