法官维持了前军官对对手无寸铁的商店行窃嫌疑人致命射击的定罪。 Judge upholds former officer's conviction in fatal shooting of unarmed shoplifting suspect.
一名Fairfax县法官维持了对前警官Wesley Shifflett的定罪。 Wesley Shifflett被控在射杀Timothy McCree Johnson(一名涉嫌偷墨镜的手无寸铁的人)的致命枪击中鲁莽地使用火器。 A Fairfax County judge upheld the conviction of former police officer Wesley Shifflett, who was convicted of recklessly handling a firearm in the fatal shooting of Timothy McCree Johnson, an unarmed man suspected of shoplifting sunglasses. Shifflett被认定未犯有非自愿过失杀人罪。 Shifflett was found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter. 尽管他请求撤销驳回的判决, Shifflett的判刑定于2025年2月28日作出。 Despite his motion to set aside the verdict being denied, Shifflett's sentencing is scheduled for February 28, 2025.