11 纽约市的国会区,共和党人领先6-5人,将是确定美国众议院控制的关键。 11 New York City-area Congressional districts with Republicans holding a 6-5 lead will be key in determining US House control.
国会在纽约市周围的选区,对于决定对美国众议院的控制至关重要,因此受到激烈的争议。 The congressional districts around New York City, crucial for determining control of the U.S. House, are highly contested. 目前,在曼哈顿90英里范围内的11个区,共和党人拥有6-5级的狭窄领先地位。 Republicans currently hold a narrow 6-5 lead in 11 districts within 90 miles of Manhattan. 虽然这些地区偏爱共和党候选人,但在2020年却拒绝了特朗普. While these districts have favored Republican candidates, they rejected Trump in 2020. 即将举行的选举将取决于选民对特朗普的看法以及堕胎等紧迫问题,特别是因为犯罪率自2022年以来已经下降。 The upcoming elections will hinge on voters' opinions of Trump and pressing issues like abortion, especially as crime rates have fallen since 2022.