律师寻求解除911事件主谋的认罪协议 国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀撤销了这项协议 Lawyer seeks to unseal 9/11 mastermind's plea deal, revoked by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
新闻组织的一名律师正试图解除涉及9/11袭击事件的被告主谋Khalid Sheikh Mohammed的认罪协议,这本来可以使他和两名同案被告免于死刑。 A lawyer for news organizations is seeking to unseal a plea deal involving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, which would have spared him and two co-defendants from the death penalty. 这项协议在公开后被国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀撤销,引起关于诉讼透明度的辩论。 This agreement was revoked by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after it became public, raising debates about transparency in the proceedings. 预计将在11月之前决定是否披露认罪求情协议。 A decision on whether to disclose the plea deal is expected by November.